Coding Society (NYC) — Spring 2018

George Prokopakis
3 min readMar 18, 2018

Starting our Spring-18 session with some delay.
Meetings to be held on:
Tuesday 12:00 — 16:00 Amalias
Wednesday 12:00–16:00 Kalithea

So, here are the plans:

Git and GitHub

Building a workshop which will take place frequently after its completion so that all students, even non computer science ones, will be able to learn and take advantage of version control.
The workshop will have a basic introduction and an advanced part on contributing to Open Source projects.


Aim is to complete a few common experiments, like a line following robot, a maze solver, a ball-sorting robotic arm, and a sumo-bot. Also, prepare for the CanSat competition. Any student ideas are more than welcome.
We mainly use Arduino but Raspberry Pi is an option, too.


Experiment with as many sensors as possible that can be used in healthcare and agriculture.
We want to build a thorough understanding of how these sensors are used and help the development of future projects in both fields.


Build a series of Python examples for the topics covered in mrs. Gorou Finite Math class.
It’s time to reconsider our attitude towards mathematics and connect the dots with computer science and programming.
Students attending Finite Math during this semester will get involved, but anyone else interested can participate.

Data Analysis

Complete the Titanic Kaggle competition and build a workshop suitable for the students who would like to learn and experiment with similar problems.
The outcome of this project should be a well defined tutorial that will help those who would like to start exploring the fields of Data Analytics and Machine Learning.

Web and Mobile Apps

There several Web apps under construction involving Mobile app parts as well, most of them as students’ final projects . Students working on those projects will act as mentors to those who would like to get into the Web app technologies, as part of their Final Project work.
Technologies include React.js, Xamarin, PHP-Laravel, Python-Django, .NET Core, and MySQL.

New York College Coding Society

Interested? We will be happy to see you in our meetings.



George Prokopakis

Software developer, CS instructor, Mac and coffee addicted