Coding Summer 2021

George Prokopakis
2 min readMay 24, 2021
{ ABC => Always Be Coding }


Programming activities for my students (current and old). Summer is a great chance to relax and recover from a stressful year - and academic year 2020–21 was really hard. Yet is is also a good opportunity to enjoy programming activities just for fun, without the fear of failure, and improve skills and portfolio.
During this Summer we focus on learning JavaScript, Databases, and Git/GitHub.


  1. JavaScript: Learn the key concepts of the language and build a portfolio of examples to help understanding how they work.
  2. Projects: Small and doable projects in several programming languages/frameworks (depending on participants interests), like Python/Django, PHP/Laravel, C#/Core MVC, Java/Spring. Basic features will be implemented so that participants can contribute using Git and GitHub.
  3. 100 Days of Code: Code minimum an hour every day for the next 100 days and tweet your progress every day. Coding frequently is very important. This activity makes coding a habit, improves skills especially solving problems and algorithmic thinking, and has the potential to meet many like minded people on twitter. (More info)
  4. IoT: Build a few projects using Arduino or Raspberry Pi and connect them to some backend database.
  5. Reading Books/Papers: Studying is important and sometimes we forget that. The plan is to read 4 books and/or 8 papers during summer and have a discussion on them upon completion.
  6. Databases: Design a number of relational databases based on given requirements, populate them with realistic data, and run a number of SQL queries on them.
  7. Design Patterns: Study the most important design patterns in Java.





George Prokopakis

Software developer, CS instructor, Mac and coffee addicted